Description of ServiceCostsDetails
Legal Consulting

Some process may be charge by hour or fraction including answer emails.

Drafting of memos, letters, collections and other short documents



Per hour or fraction
Real Estate
Research of properties with the MEF or Land Registry (Catastro) or Public Records or Reforma Agraria or Major Offices450Minimum Legal Fee. Legal Fee and Expenses depends of the Province
Research of legal person with the Public Records and MEF450
Drafting of Promise to Purchase Agreement1%Of the sale price
Drafting of Buy-Sell Agreement

Drafting of cancellation of mortgage or other guarantees

Preparation of minutes of declarations of improvements




Of the sale price 

Calculation of transfer tax and capital gain tax150
Review before the MEF of the calculation of transfer/capital gain tax and payment250
Obtaining a certificate of good standing from water company, condo administration and from the tax authority50Each good standing
Obtaining certificate of Property from the Public Register75Does not include expenses
Notarization of deeds250Does not include expenses
Registration of Deed in the Public Registry250Does not include expenses
Updating records at Land Registry Authority (Catastro)150Does not include expenses
Payment of Property Taxes75
Obtaining taxpayer ID (NIT) (for individuals, corporations or properties)75
Obtaining Tax Number (NT) for foreIgners or buildings350Does not include expenses
Titling of property registered under ANATI15000Does not include expenses. Fee may vary depending of the province.
Titling of property registered under Major Offices15000Does not include expenses. Fee is subject to change depending of the land location.
Registry of Appraisals650Does not include expenses
Revision of sale contractCharge by hour or fraction
Immigration Processes
Temporary Residences:
Forestry Investor Visa2500Does not include expenses
Self Economic Solvency Visa2500Does not include expenses
Investor Visa2500Does not include expenses
Permanent Residences
Forestry Investor Visa2500Does not include expenses
Self Economic Solvency Visa2500Does not include expenses
Investor Visa2500Does not include expenses
Extensions800Does not include expenses
Pensioner Visa1250Does not include expenses
Private Income Retiree Visa2500Does not include expenses
For each dependent1000Does not include expenses
Multiple entry visa450Includes expenses
Reconsideration or Appeals


Application for immigration status

Certificate of Resident Card

Correction of Resolutions

Withdrawal of applications

Closing of proceedings

Registration of Panamanians Born Abroad









Asset Protection – Estate Planning
Corporation chárter1500Includes expenses
Private Interest Foundation chárter1500Includes expenses
Resident Agent and Compliance Fee500Annual
Directors350 e/dAnnual
Corporate Officers350 e/oAnnual
Legal Representative350Annual
Change of Director or Officers450Does not include expenses
Change of Resident Agent450Does not include expenses
Dissolution of Corporation1500Does not include expenses
Change of the name of a Corporation or Foundation450
Obtaining Public Record certification or legal person75Does not Include expenses
Certified translation of documents (English)25/page
Director or Officers signatures in documents25/sig
Payment of yearly corporation tax (Tasa Única)50
Draft of minutes of Board of Directors or shareholders450Does not include expenses
Assistance opening a Panamanian Bank Account2500Does not include expenses
Corporate Services
Apostille documents50/pageDoes not include expenses
Notarize document25/pageDoes not include expenses
Scan documents and send it by email2/page
Cost of maintenance of an entity
Franchise Tax – Corporations – First Year300
Annual Franchise Tax – Corporations300
Fine for late payment50
Penalty for not payment in two periods300
Franchise Tax- Private Interest Foundation – First Year350
Annual Franchise Tax – Private Interest Foundation400
Contracts - Power of Attorney - Other Forms
Draft Labor ContractCharge by hour or fraction
Draft Independent contractors´ Contract
Charge by hour or fraction
Draft of Loan Contract
Charge by hour or fraction
Draft of Foundation Rules (notarize)
Charge by hour or fraction
Draft of Workers Rules
Charge by hour or fraction
Special Power of Attorney450Does not include expenses
General Power of Attorney450Does not include expenses
Business Creation
Obtaining a General Commercial License

Modification of Commercial License



Intellectual Property
Trademark Registration600Does not included expenses
Products Registration500Does not included expenses
Sanitaries Right Matters

Sanitary registration (cosmetics, drugs, medical devices, food)

Renewal of sanitary registration

Modification on the product´s name

Modification on the formula

Modification on the manufacturer´s name

Change on the name of the holder

Licencia de Operaciones

DGI Process

Certificate of Tax Residence

Civil Processes**
Criminal Processes **








Price changes according to the location of the property *
According to the National Bar rate **
Price are calculated in dollars.
Price can varies depending of the circumstance of each case.

Association Minimum Legal Fee