Obtaining an Amateur Radio Operator Permit in Panama
Obtaining an Amateur Radio Operator Permit in Panama
The Republic of Panama participates in the International Amateur Radio Permit (IARP) agreement, and the use of the IARP is enforced and recommended for foreigners' temporary amateur radio operation in the country. To operate under an IARP only requires a previous notification to the Ministry of Government and Justice of the date, place, and duration of the permanence of the foreign amateur operator in the Republic of Panama. Bear in mind that amateur radio operation in the Republic of Panama without the Temporary Operation Permit (TOP) or Panama's Amateur Radio License, or under an IARP is ILEGAL.
An amateur licensee can operate an amateur radio station transmitting within the Republic of Panama: a) after obtaining from the Ministry of Government and Justice of Panamá a Temporary Operation Permit
, or b) a Panama Amateur Radio License
. c) If the foreign licensed radio amateur is the holder of an IARP
, he can operate after the notification from the Ministry of Government and Justice of Panamá
Foreign amateur operators not holders of an IARP can apply for a TOP when visiting the Republic of Panama. When a station is transmitting under a TOP the call sign must include the HP of Panama's international designation, the general geographic location of the station (zone of operation*)- followed by the slant mark (/) and the alien operator home call (HP*/home call).
TOP applications require the following documents:
- Power of attorney granted to a Panamanian lawyer to request the TOP.
- A certified copy of the foreigner's amateur radio license duly apostille or by a public notary or other corresponding authority from the country of its origin and the Panamanian Consulate.
- Certified copy of the passport by a Panamanian public notary.
- Two carnet-size photos of the amateur operator (1" x 1").
- USD 8.00 in fiscal stamps.
- The TOP fee is USD 20.00.
Foreign amateur radio operators who establish their legal and definitive residence in the Republic of Panama can apply for this license.
Panama Amateur Radio License applications require the following documents:
- A power of attorney granted to a Panamanian lawyer to request the license.
- A certified copy of the foreigner's amateur radio license apostille or authenticated by a public notary or other corresponding authority from the country of its origin and the Panamanian Consulate.
- A certified photocopy of the passport by a public notary in the Republic of Panama
- A certified photocopy of the resolution granting the definitive residence by a public notary in the Republic of Panama.
- Two carnet-size photos of the amateur operator (1" x 1").
- USD 8.00 in fiscal stamps.
- The License fee is USD 20.00.
Our fee to assist you is USD 450.00
The radio amateur or radio ham handbook, can de download from
Executive Decree No. 205 of July 7th, "by which the amateur service is regulated, available at
Executive Decree No. 843 of November 26th of 2013, which amended the Executive Decree No. 205 of July 7th, 2004, available at
Information regarding the IARP it is available at:
Contact Information of the Communication Mass Media Direction of the Minister of Government and Justice of Panama:
Address: Calle Elvira Méndez, Edificio Interseco, Floor N°1, Bella Vista, Ciudad de Panamá. In front of the parking of Hotel Continental, next to Banco Delta. Subway: Iglesia del Carmen, by the exit of Torre Banco Delta.
Phone: 512-7202, 512-7240, 512-2165, 512-2088
Working hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Monday trough Friday,
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